Philman Life Science Pharma, Inc.
Making Life Better
Rejuvina Stem Cell

How are Stem Cell treatments being used today?
Stem cell therapy has been used successfully hundreds of times in countries around the world. It is believed that stem cell therapy may eventually offer remedies for such conditions as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, juvenile diabetes, spinal cord injury, MS, ALS, and certain forms of cancer and heart disease. Cell therapy is also being used in experiments to graft new skin cells to treat serious burn victims, and to grow new corneas for the sight-impaired. In all of these applications, the goal is for the healthy cells to become integrated into the body and begin to function like the patient's own cells. The results of these experiments have far exceeded expectations. Even though cell therapy is a new science, early results have caused great optimism within the medical and health care industries.
STEM CELL for Anti-Aging

DendriVaccs + CIK Cell Therapy
• Cancer Killer Cells
• Anti-Cancer Vaccines
• Cancer Immunotherapy that will boost immune system to fight against Cancer Diseases
The Potential Advantages of Immunotherapy
• Offer improved quality of life for patients compared to some other cancer therapies
• Improved anti-cancer efficacy and survival
• Benefits may be apparent in a short amount of time